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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What a week (or two) it's Been!

Good Morning!  Well, you can never say living in Wisconsin (at least right now), or having a teenager, or a child with diabetes, is dull!  Put all three together for a couple of weeks and you have got yourself plenty to write about!!

Political views aside, these last few weeks have brought a lot of issues to the forefront and a lot of these issues hit home for our family.  We've got two kids in school, I work within a school system, and I volunteer for a very worthy cause (or two, or three!).  Times are tough out there and even though everyone is saying the economy is coming around...well, let's just say THAT has not hit home for our family yet!

But, I digress.  I am not a political pundant, I am not even sure I am fully versed in all the political issues on the table.  Actually, I am sure, I am not.  However, here is what I DO know:

My children get up each and every day and go to school.  Every Monday, my youngest has the "Monday Blues" and struggles to get out of bed, comb the hair on her head, and get out the door for another week of learning.  She whines and she pouts, but we give her a hug and send her out the the time she gets to school, those eyes are sparkling and she is ready to take in the day, the morning drama all but forgotten.  My teenager is on the bus before the break of dawn and is learning something new as I sit with my cup of coffee. 

I want this next sentence to be perfectly clear.  No matter which side you are on, here in MY town, when my kids get to school, even in the last three weeks, their teachers have been there to teach and I respect that.  And, I thank them, for doing their jobs, for being professionals, for caring enough to be there for my kids.  In a society where it is all too easy to claim "the right" to walk away from our responsibilities, these teachers have stood strong and have come to teach my children.  These teachers have endured extensive strain and stress, and are still putting my kids first.  I say thank you, and, if you have a teacher who is taking the time to nurture, guide and care for your children at school, you should say thank you, too.  Everyone deserves kindness, and, a little can go a long way.  This is not a political issue, this is just plain gratitude for a job well done.

I work in a school, too, in a different district, and those teachers have come to work, too.  They've taught their students with kindness and planning and care.  They are on the job, they are taking papers home to grade, they are in early for meetings and to prepare for the day.  My hat goes off to them, too.  Heck, my hat goes off to anyone who is getting up and doing their job every day, despite the stress and strain of life today.  And that brings me to my next point...

We all may not be getting the "benefits" we seek, or the pay we deserve these days, but, we can all give something of ourselves and get so much in return.  "Back in the day" it used to be called "being neighborly", then they came up with a catchy little phrase of "give and get", "give back"...give to those that have given to us.  Our parents, our grandparents, our neighbors and takes so little to bring a smile to someone's face...try that "random act of kindness" today.

I'm not kidding...if each and every one of us took a moment to thank somone who has done something for us, imagine the holiday that could be!  It doesn't take money, it doesn't take but a few seconds of time...and I am sure that each of us can think of someone pretty much right off the top of our collective heads to say thank you to.  I know of dozens, hundreds, that have made a difference in my life, in my children's lives...if I said "Thank you" to just one, every day, I think it would take me the rest of my life to thank them all.  How about you?  Just think about that for one minute.  Then, please, take a minute to begin someone's day with a smile...

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